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By default, all downloads are cached both on the disk and in your computer memory. This means that the second time you download a file during the same session it will be reloaded from your ram. If you stop a session and restart it, the file will be loaded from your disk. If you want to reload the data from its original source, use the bust_cache function.


  use_memory = TRUE,
  use_disk = TRUE,
  bust_cache = FALSE



The URL to download from.


arguments to forward to the vroom::vroom function.


Whether to use memory caching.


Whether to use disk caching.


Whether to bust (refresh) the cache.


Additionally, options can be used to determine the default caching behavior of tidyiddr.


#> # A tibble: 132 × 11
#>    `0 - 4` `5 - 11` `12 - 15` `16 - 17` 18 - 2…¹ 30 - …² 40 - …³ 50 - …⁴ 65 - …⁵
#>      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1  29.2     28.7      41.9      77.3     169.    130.    116.     90.5    60.1 
#>  2  98.0    205.      160.      162.      160.    183.    163.    132.    103.  
#>  3  13.6     13.9      21.1      31.2      60.5    63.4    64.8    54.6    39.5 
#>  4 172.     305.      333.      350.      299.    317.    281.    218.    173.  
#>  5  37.7     40.1      65.7     114.      182.    150.    143.    115.     80.5 
#>  6   5.63     4.19      7.20     13.3      45.7    64.5    76.8    81.7    68.3 
#>  7  27.5     37.3      47.9      61.6      81.1    77.3    65.4    47.7    32.7 
#>  8   0.209    0.221     0.323     0.579     1.43    2.44    3.30    4.04    3.79
#>  9  35.5     43.8      44.4      50.3      68.3    66.5    59.0    50.2    44.1 
#> 10  16.1     18.0      25.2      31.6      39.8    39.0    34.1    27.1    18.0 
#> # … with 122 more rows, 2 more variables: `75+` <dbl>, week <date>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names ¹​`18 - 29`, ²​`30 - 39`, ³​`40 - 49`, ⁴​`50 - 64`,
#> #   ⁵​`65 - 74`

options("tidyiddr_use_cache" = TRUE)
#> Rows: 132 Columns: 11
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> dbl  (10): 0 - 4, 5 - 11, 12 - 15, 16 - 17, 18 - 29, 30 - 39, 40 - 49, 50 - ...
#> date  (1): week
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> # A tibble: 132 × 11
#>    `0 - 4` `5 - 11` `12 - 15` `16 - 17` 18 - 2…¹ 30 - …² 40 - …³ 50 - …⁴ 65 - …⁵
#>      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1  29.2     28.7      41.9      77.3     169.    130.    116.     90.5    60.1 
#>  2  98.0    205.      160.      162.      160.    183.    163.    132.    103.  
#>  3  13.6     13.9      21.1      31.2      60.5    63.4    64.8    54.6    39.5 
#>  4 172.     305.      333.      350.      299.    317.    281.    218.    173.  
#>  5  37.7     40.1      65.7     114.      182.    150.    143.    115.     80.5 
#>  6   5.63     4.19      7.20     13.3      45.7    64.5    76.8    81.7    68.3 
#>  7  27.5     37.3      47.9      61.6      81.1    77.3    65.4    47.7    32.7 
#>  8   0.209    0.221     0.323     0.579     1.43    2.44    3.30    4.04    3.79
#>  9  35.5     43.8      44.4      50.3      68.3    66.5    59.0    50.2    44.1 
#> 10  16.1     18.0      25.2      31.6      39.8    39.0    34.1    27.1    18.0 
#> # … with 122 more rows, 2 more variables: `75+` <dbl>, week <date>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names ¹​`18 - 29`, ²​`30 - 39`, ³​`40 - 49`, ⁴​`50 - 64`,
#> #   ⁵​`65 - 74`